Printed in Malaysia / ꢀꢁ !"# / ꢀꢁ W=ꢀꢁ !"
I Fixed Mount
I ꢀꢁ !
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'( ISO/DIN ꢀꢁ !
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+
I ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ
Installation/Wire Connection Guide
ꢀꢁ=L=ꢀꢁ !
(TOYOTA, NISSAN and other ISO/DIN equipped
Eꢀꢁ I=ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ=ISO/DIN=ꢀꢁꢀ =ꢀꢁF
ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ !"#$K
This unit is designed for fixed installation in the dashboard.
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'(")*+,-./01234✽ꢀꢁ !"
ꢀꢁ !"#!$%&' 7ꢀ
ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁI=E✽Fꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ
ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ !"#K=Eꢀꢁ=7F
If the vehicle is equipped with a factory-installed radio, install the source
unit with the parts and screws marked (✽) (Figure 7).
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'(#)*+,-./0(#12345678
ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀ
ꢀꢁ !ꢁ"#
ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"#K
If the vehicle is not equipped with a factory-installed radio, obtain an
installation kit to install the source unit in the following procedure.
ꢀꢁ !"#$%"&'()*+,-."/ ISO/DIN ꢀꢁ !"#
ꢀ=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ I=ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ=ISO/DIN=ꢀꢁꢀ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*
ꢀ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"#K
Bend the stopper following the procedures below when this source
unit is installed to the TOYOTA, NISSAN and other ISO/DIN equipped
BEFORE STARTING / ꢀꢁ ! / ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ
1. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+=5ꢀ6ꢀ
NK=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"#K=Eꢀꢁ=5I=6F
1. This set is exclusively for use in cars with a
negative ground, 12 V power supply.
1. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&' 12 V ꢀꢁ !"#$
1. ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ 12 V ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀ
ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"K
1. Bend the stopper from the source unit. (Figure 5, 6)
2. Read these instructions carefully.
2. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'
2. ꢀ=ꢀꢁ !"#=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !K
BEFORE BEND / ꢀꢁ / ꢀꢁ !=ꢀ
AFTER BEND / ꢀꢁ / ꢀꢁ =ꢀ
3. Be sure to disconnect the battery “-” terminal
before starting. This is to prevent short circuits
during installation (Figure 1).
3. ꢀꢁ !"#$%ꢀ&'()-ꢀꢁ I=ꢀꢁ
3. ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"-ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ
ꢀ=ꢀꢁ !"#K=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀ
ꢀꢁ !K=Eꢀꢁ=1F
STOPPER / ꢀꢁ / ꢀꢁ
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'( 1ꢀ
Car battery
ꢀꢁ !
Figure 1 / ꢀ 1 / ꢀꢁ 1
SOURCE UNIT / ꢀꢁ ! / ꢀꢁ !
CAUTIONS ON INSTALLATION / ꢀꢁ !"#$% / ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !
1. Prepare all articles necessary for installing the source unit before
Figure 5 / ꢀ 5 / ꢀꢁ 5
1. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*(+,-./0123
1. ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ
Figure 6 / ꢀ 6 / ꢀꢁ 6
ꢀ=ꢀꢁ !K
2. ꢀꢁ !"#$ꢁ%&'()*+,- 30° ꢀꢁ !" 2ꢀ
3. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-.,/01#234567
4. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*ꢁ +,$%-./012*34 3ꢀ
2. Install the unit within 30° of the horizontal plane (Figure 2).
2. ꢀꢁ !" 30° ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"#K=Eꢀꢁ 2F
2. Secure the mounting brackets to the chassis as shown in Figure 7.
Holes are pre-tapped for TOYOTA and NISSAN vehicles;
modification, such as drilling new holes, of the mounting brackets
may be required for other models.
2. ꢀꢁ=7 ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"#K
ꢀꢁ =ꢀ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !K
ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !
ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !K
2. ꢀꢁ 7 ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-. /01ꢁ23
3. ꢀꢁ 8 ꢀꢁ !"#$
3. If you have to do any work on the car body, such as drilling holes,
consult your car dealer beforehand.
3. ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀ
ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"#K
4. Use the enclosed screws for installation. Using other screws can
cause damage (Figure 3).
4. ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"#K=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ
ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀ=ꢀꢁ !K=Eꢀꢁ 3F
4. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-. %&'/01'2
3. Wire as shown in Section 8.
3. 8 ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"#K
4. Secure the unit in the dashboard, and then reassemble the dash-
board and the center panel.
4. ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ
Chassis / ꢀꢁ / ꢀꢁ
Chassis / ꢀꢁ / ꢀꢁ
Mounting bracket ✽
(1 pair for the left and right sides)
ꢀꢁ !=✽
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'
ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ ✽
Max. 30°
ꢀꢁ 30°
ꢀꢁ 30°
Max. 5/6” (8 mm)
ꢀꢁ 5/6” (8 mm)
ꢀꢁ 5/6” (8 mm)
Eꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ =ꢀ
Figure 2 / ꢀ 2 / ꢀꢁ 2
Figure 3 / ꢀ 3 / ꢀꢁ 3
Source Unit
ꢀꢁ !
ꢀꢁ !
INSTALLING THE SOURCE UNIT / ꢀꢁ !ꢁ" / ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !
4–Hexagonal screw ✽ (M5 x 8)
4 ꢀꢁ !"=✽ꢀM5 x 8ꢀ
ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=✽=EM5 x 8F=4 ꢀ
I Universal Mount
I ꢀꢁ !"#
I ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ
1. Place the universal mounting bracket into the instrument panel,
use a screwdriver to bend each stopper of the universal mounting
bracket inward, then secure the stopper as shown in Figure 4.
1. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+ ,-.ꢀꢁ !"#$/01
1. ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"I=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ
ꢀ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"#K=ꢀ
ꢀ=ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ 4 ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"
Note 2 / ꢀ 2 / ꢀ 2
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'() 4 ꢀꢁ !"#$%
2. ꢀꢁ 8 ꢀꢁ !"#$
Center Panel (Note 1)
ꢀꢁ !"=1ꢀ
ꢀꢁ =Eꢀ=1F
2. Wire as shown in Section 8.
3. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&!'()*+,-./
4. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-
2. 8 ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"#K
3. Insert the source unit into the universal mounting bracket until it
3. ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !==ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ
ꢀꢁ !K
Figure 7 / ꢀ 7 / ꢀꢁ 7
4. Mount the outer escutcheon so that all the hooks are locked.
4. ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !K
✽: The parts and screws with this mark are used to install radio or
✽: ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-./012*+3456
✽: ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ !
included in the installation kit.
ꢀ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !K
#: ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()"*
1) Some car models require special mounting kits for proper
1) ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-.&/012345
1) ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ
#: The screws with this mark are originally attached to the vehicle.
#: ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !K
installation. Consult your Clarion dealer for details.
Clarion ꢀꢁ !"#
ꢀ=ꢀꢁ !"K=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ Clarion ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"
2) Fasten the front stopper securely to prevent the source unit
from coming loose.
2) ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*"+
ꢀ 1: ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567
2) ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢀ=ꢀꢁ
Note 1: In some cases, the center panel may require some modifica-
ꢀ 1: ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !K
ꢀ 2: ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*!+,-./012345678
ꢀ=ꢀꢁ !K
tion (trimming, filling, etc.).
EꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀF
ꢀꢁ !
Note 2: If a hook on the installation bracket interferes with the unit,
ꢀ 2: ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ I=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ =ꢀ
bend and flatten it with a nipper or a similar tool.
ꢀ=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !K
• Console opening dimensions
Instrument panel
ꢀꢁ !"#$
REMOVAL OF THE SOURCE UNIT / ꢀꢁ !"# / ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !
Hexagonal bolt
ꢀꢁ !
ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ
1. When removing the source unit, disassemble it in the reverse of
1. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()=3 ꢀꢁ3.=ꢀꢁ !ꢁ"#$%&'(
1. ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁI=ꢀ3.=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"#=ꢀꢁ
the order in Section “3. INSTALLING THE SOURCE UNIT”.
ꢀꢁ !
ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ !"#K
2. Press the outer escutcheon upward and remove it (Figure 8).
3. Insert and lock the hook plates (Figure 9).
2. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()* 8ꢀ
3. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'( 9ꢀ
4. ꢀꢁ !"#$%&'()*
2. ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"#K=Eꢀꢁ=8F
3. ꢀ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !"K=Eꢀꢁ=9F
✽ This part is not provided in some models.
ꢀꢁ !"#$%&"'()
4. Pull the hook plates to remove the source unit.
4. ꢀ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ !"#K
ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !K
ꢀꢁ !
Source Unit
ꢀꢁ !
ꢀꢁ !
Universal mounting bracket
ꢀꢁ !"#
2–Hook plates
2 ꢀꢁ !
Outer escutcheon
Installation direction
ꢀꢁ !
Before attaching the universal mounting bracket, slightly bend
the spring toward the inside with your fingers and attach it to the
side of car.
ꢀꢁ !ꢁ"#$%&'(!)*+,-./012'+3ꢀꢁ
ꢀꢁ !"#
Figure 8 / ꢀ 8 / ꢀꢁ 8
Figure 9 / ꢀ 9 / ꢀꢁ 9
ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ !"=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢁ
ꢀ=ꢀꢁ !=ꢀꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀꢁI=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ !"#K
Outer escutcheon
Outer escutcheon side view
ꢀꢁ !"#
Figure 4 / ꢀ 4 / ꢀꢁ 4
ꢀꢁ=ꢀꢁ =ꢀ=ꢀꢁ
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